Tuesday, August 28, 2007

2007 FALL Schedule

Week 1 September 9th

8:00A.M. Ditkas Finest vs. Buffalo Soldierz
9:00A.M. Lock Down vs. Ryders
10:00A.M. Arvada Legends vs. The Squad
11:00A.M.Team X vs. Browns
NOON Alcoholics vs. Tripods

Week 2 September 16th

8:00A.M.Buffalo Soldierz vs. Team X
9:00A.M.Tripods vs. Arvada legends
10:00A.M. Ryders vs. Ditkas Finest
11:00A.M. Browns vs. Alcoholics
NOON The Squad vs. Lock Down

Week 3 September 23rd

8:00A.M. Alcoholics vs. Buffalo Soldierz
9:00A.M. Lock Down vs. Arvada legends
10:00A.M. Team X vs. Ryders
11:00A.M. Ditkas Finest vs. The Squad
NOON Browns vs. Tripods

Week 4 September 30th

8:00A.M. Buffalo Soldierz vs. Browns
9:00A.M.Arvada Legends vs. Ditkas Finest
10:00A.M.Ryders vs. Alcoholics
11:00A.M.Tripods vs. Lock Down
NOON The Squad vs. Team X

Week 5 October 7th

8:00A.M. Buffalo Soldierz vs. Tripods
9:00A.M.Browns vs. Ryders
10:00A.M.Team X vs. Arvada legends
11:00A.M.Ditkas Finest vs. Lock Down
NOON Alcoholics vs. The Squad

Week 6 October 14th

8:00A.M.Ryders vs. Buffalo Soldierz
9:00A.M.Arvada Legends vs. Alcoholics
10:00A.M.Lock Down vs. Team X
11:00A.M.The Squad vs. The Browns
NOON Tripods vs. Ditkas Finest

PLAYOFFS October 28th

PRO-BOWL November 4th


Peter, The Squad #9 said...

Dudes, the leaguedaddy website is awesome, but you guys forgot to put the password needed to subscribe to the league in any of the docs...

RED said...

You don't need a password to view the stats.

Peter, The Squad #9 said...

You need one to subscribe to the league.

RED said...

You do not need to subscribe to the league. You are just going to be viewing all the information. Subscribers have access to edit stats and stuff. You are just going to be viewing. http://leaguedaddy.com/leagues/?lid=2182

It will look better once the league starts. Because stats will be loaded in. let me know if that doesnt make sense... coloradoflagfootball@comcast.net

Peter, The Squad #9 said...

No, what didn't make sense was the banner that said "X days until subscription ends on 7/5/2007", but that banner is gone now, so no biggie.

Unknown said...

The Legends are coming to play sunday. They will not be denied of whats rightfully their's...respect. The tripods are just another pebble on the path. You seen that performance, or thats what they call it. You throw my way it's going for 6. I'm quatro and you will feel my presence. So run your options tripods, run your gadget plays. Speed speed and more speed is what were packing. WE WILL WIN SUNDAY! GUARANTEED. #4

agnew6 said...

The tripods are slower then dirt. I would love to see the speed the supposedly posess. We will pound on you all game long, because your small, slow, stupid, and have no passion. We are better then you in all phases of the game. You wish you were us, you want to be where we are, you want the talent we have. So bring your A game, we want your best shot. Cuz your best is our 3rd. Oh ya nice "Jerseys".

Peter, The Squad #9 said...

Funny how the Tripods won that game...